Teens breast implants

Breast Implant Safety

Breast Surgery SafetyBreast implant safety is an important.
for women considering breast augmentation surgery.

Breast implant safety is an important concern for many women considering breast augmentation surgery. In order to answer this question, it is vital to learn the facts about breast implants.

Possible Risks of Breast Implants
* Autoimmune-like disorders--signs include joint pain and swelling; skin tightness, redness or swelling; swelling of hands and feet; rash; swollen glands or lymph nodes; unusual fatigue; general aching; greater chance of getting colds, viruses and flu; unusual hair loss; memory problems; headaches; muscle weakness or burning; nausea or vomiting; and irritable bowel syndrome.

Recent studies have shown, however, that there is not a large increased risk of traditional autoimmune, or connective tissue disease, from silicone gel implants.

* Fibrositis/fibromyalgia-like disorders (pain, tenderness and stiffness of muscles, tendons and ligaments).
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