Teens breast implants

Breast Implants Info

Breast implants give you more control over your size, shape, and profile. Implant plastic surgery can improve appearance after aging and childbearing and can restore a more youthful breast appearance.

A breast implant is a prosthesis has been used since at least 1895 to augment the size or shape of women's breasts. Breast Implanst also know as breast augmentation, breast enlargement, mammoplasty enlargement, augmentation mammoplasty or the common slang term boob job for cosmetic reasons; to reconstruct the breast. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States.

Pectoral implants are a related device used in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the male chest wall. In 2007, 347,254 breast augmentation procedures were performed in the U.S according to statistics collected by the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

The implants are inserted behind breast tissue or above the breast muscle in breast augmentation with implants. Implants range in volume from 120 mL (milliliters) to 850 mL. View examples photos in breast augmentation before-and-after photos.
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